Sunday, May 1, 2011

4/29-5/1/2011...What a weekend

So Friday, Dalton went to stay with Grandma and Dwain...Joey and I went to Struts for supper that night. Joey had the Strutasaurus burger, finished it and got his name on the board. It was a wonderful, filling night...especially after the tornado on 4/27 that has killed over 250 people in Alabama alone.

So on 4/30, I woke up with a lot of pressure. I had taken Colace the night before for my not being able to go. When I peed, there was some pink and I couldn't really make it out due to the fact I had drank the Wal-mart version of a Diet Mountain Dew the night before and my urine was really yellow. After Joey left for work, I went back to the restroom effectively from the meds the night before, but this time there was definite pink blood on the tissue. I started freaking out and called Joey. He came back, I had called the emergency doctor on call and was expecting her returned call, hopped in his truck and we were on our way to Rome. We got as far as Gregersons and turned around. The doctor called. She asked if I had been constipated and attributed all of what was going on to the pressure and straining of constipation. I was to take it easy the remainder of the day, drink plenty of fluids, and take tylenol for pain. Joey left for work after a while of waiting to make sure everything was ok as it could be. I spent the rest of the day sleeping and crying my eyes out. I feel so bad for Joey because he has so much on him right now. I am really driving him crazy and I don't know what else to do! I hope everything is ok!!! I can't imagine our lives now with me not being pregnant and I don't want to until Tempy or Riddick is here safe and sound!!! God please, please take care of our baby!!!

5/1-There was very little signs of blood when I went this morning. It eventually became non-existent. So Joey and I went to Bojangles for breakfast and then Amstar to see Fast Five. Great movie and there will be another!! It was nice being hugged up to him at the movies. I am on a roller coaster of emotions and driving Joey insane. Dalton made me an early Mother's Day card and thanks to Grandma, Dalton gave me a Marigold in a planter pot. He's such a sweet boy! On the card it said, "you are the best mama a Dalton could ever have" precious!!! I love him so!!! After we got Dalton, we came home and I napped. Bless Joey's heart, he washed all the dishes and swept the kitchen. I love this man so much!!

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