Sunday, May 1, 2011

04/18/2011 First Doctor Visit-First Ultrasound

Today was the first official visit with Dr. Jarvis and it was a great one! We got there about 30 minutes early, lol. We first went to the exam room after I nervously filled out the medical information form like 3 different times because I got up and kept asking questions (yeah, I'm driving Joey crazy!) Then the nurse sent us to Dr. Jarvis's office where we discussed a few things regarding the pregnancy and past pregnancies. Then off to the exam room again, but this time to do the exam and determine how far along I am with an ultrasound!!!! Yay!! We got to see the heartbeat of our little "peanut". As of 4/18/2011, I am 7 weeks 2 days along...due date December 1, 2011!! Yes, two days before Joey's birthday!! Then we left for me to give up enough blood for 8 vials and then off to insurance we went. Whew!! A miracle well worth it all :) Afterwards, we ate at Moe's for the first time and it was freaking awesome!! What a wonderful day!!

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