Saturday, September 24, 2011

Looking Forward to Meeting You My Little Buddy

There are so many reasons I want to see your beautiful face, your tiny hands and feet, and smell your soft skin. I've been terrified this entire pregnancy that I couldn't handle the job of bringing you into this world and being your mama. I look at the pics from the 4D and you bring me so much hope. Your big brother Dalton has big plans for you on all the stuff he is going to teach you, lol. Your daddy talks to you every night hoping you will kick him just one time to show him who's boss,lol...just the other night he put his iPhone on my tummy with the flashlight on and you just about kicked the phone off my belly! It's so amazing to feel your movements inside my belly. I want you to know, I am doing my best to take care of you now while you are in there and I will work even harder to make sure you are taken care of when you are out here with us little man. I am still scared, lol, but just know the love is never scarce, the faith in the Lord to protect us is never failing, and the hope for the best for our boys is ever apparent. We love you Mason Riddick!

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