Thursday, September 8, 2011

08/08/2011-Just a check up(6 months-24 weeks)

Today was just a check up with Dr. Jarvis. I had lost a couple of pounds, but last week had a bug that had my stomach out of whack. To be brutally honest, I don't know if it were a bug or just nerves. Seriously, these past two weeks have been one big panic attack for me. It's like this is all new to me, but Lord knows it isn't at all. With Dalton I had no worries, but I guess age has a tendency to make you less carefree and! LOL...I did ask the doctor what I could do to help calm my nerves...his reply-tylenol pm at night. Yeah, ok....I have no trouble sleeping...LOL.

So anyway, my iron was a whopping 12.2...which is good for me! Riddick's heartbeat was 161 :) He is a strong little boy with a strong heartbeat! I am already so in love with him! Can't wait to meet you lil man!!!

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