Saturday, September 24, 2011

Looking Forward to Meeting You My Little Buddy

There are so many reasons I want to see your beautiful face, your tiny hands and feet, and smell your soft skin. I've been terrified this entire pregnancy that I couldn't handle the job of bringing you into this world and being your mama. I look at the pics from the 4D and you bring me so much hope. Your big brother Dalton has big plans for you on all the stuff he is going to teach you, lol. Your daddy talks to you every night hoping you will kick him just one time to show him who's boss,lol...just the other night he put his iPhone on my tummy with the flashlight on and you just about kicked the phone off my belly! It's so amazing to feel your movements inside my belly. I want you to know, I am doing my best to take care of you now while you are in there and I will work even harder to make sure you are taken care of when you are out here with us little man. I am still scared, lol, but just know the love is never scarce, the faith in the Lord to protect us is never failing, and the hope for the best for our boys is ever apparent. We love you Mason Riddick!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

09/12/2011-4D Mason Riddick

Today, Daddy and I went to see Mr. Mason Riddick's little face. He is a happy baby too! We got 60 pics/video clips and in a majority of them, he is smiling so big! He is one beautiful miracle! I can't even begin to describe my feelings for this little perfect being.

He favors his daddy and of course his brother ;) I can't wait to hold him. He loves his feet. He kept putting his toes in his eye and mouth. So here he is with both arms tucked back to each side of his head, his legs criss crossed in the front of him and one of his feet in his face. It was absolutely one of the best, if not the best, experience since the day we found out I was pregnant. :) Love my Mason Riddick!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

09/02/2011-Blood Glucose Test & More!!!

08/28/2011-27 weeks!

Wow! What a month since the last visit!!!

On 08/19/2011, I was driving to work when a log fell off a logging truck and my little Toyota Yaris decides to do a Dukes of Hazzard. It was on the bridge up from Fagans.  I had no where to go, tried to slow down and hit it going probably about 50mph. 3 tires, rims and wheelcovers...busted! There was transmission fluid everywhere. Mr. Riddick kicked me all day long after the accident...I don't blame him...there were several moments tears couldn't stop. It scared me so much!! Just thankful to be alive after that and that the baby was ok!

So, on 09/02/2011, I went for my blood glucose test. That stuff I had to drink wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great, lol. They told me if there was any problems that I'd hear from them within the week. Today is 09/08/2011 and I am thinking no issues! I hope so anyway...I do not want to hear that I have gestational diabetes. Also, Mason Riddick's heartbeat was 158. I got to see Dr. Brass :) When he walked in, he asked..."are we pregnant?" I of course say..."why yes we are!" I give him some credit for my weight loss and this pregnancy. He jumpstarted this!!

So Saturday, 09/03/2011, was a busy day. I got my car back, but only after taking the rental to Enterprise, being dropped off at Camping World, and going back to Piedmont to drop off the check at Carrolls. Then Daltman and I did grocery shopping...then I had to pick up Daddy :). That night we watched football and ate buffalo chicken dip! Sooooo verrrrrrry goooooood!! :)

Sunday we were supposed to go riding on 4 wheelers but because of the Tropical Storm Lee sending storms up our way, we didn't. We should've went though. It didn't rain all that much, but in turn we got Riddick's baby bed picked out...did a lil more shopping and ate at Jefferson's for mine and Daltman's first time. Great day even though we didn't get muddy! I bet Joey is going through mud withdrawals...I know I have the fever!!

So Monday, Labor Day, we picked up Riddick's bed. It's not the color we thought we were getting, but after going by Lowes and picking up the border we had ordered, plus a new closet door for his room, we got home and put it together. It is beautiful! After a wonderful steak cooked in the rain by my wonderful hubby...I got online and ordered the camo bedding! I can't wait till we get it!!

So, we sure can't wait till 09/12/2011...It'll be Riddick's time on the Big Screen! 4D time!! :) We so can't wait!!!!

08/08/2011-Just a check up(6 months-24 weeks)

Today was just a check up with Dr. Jarvis. I had lost a couple of pounds, but last week had a bug that had my stomach out of whack. To be brutally honest, I don't know if it were a bug or just nerves. Seriously, these past two weeks have been one big panic attack for me. It's like this is all new to me, but Lord knows it isn't at all. With Dalton I had no worries, but I guess age has a tendency to make you less carefree and! LOL...I did ask the doctor what I could do to help calm my nerves...his reply-tylenol pm at night. Yeah, ok....I have no trouble sleeping...LOL.

So anyway, my iron was a whopping 12.2...which is good for me! Riddick's heartbeat was 161 :) He is a strong little boy with a strong heartbeat! I am already so in love with him! Can't wait to meet you lil man!!!

07/11/2011-5 Month Sonogram :)

We got to see you Riddick...again!! :) The lady performing the sonogram wasn't the best tech in the world, but none of that mattered once we got to see your lil face again. According to the sonogram you weigh around 13 ounces! You still have so much further to go, but not nearly as long as before. Dalton was in attendance today and mesmerized as were we just by you! Everything about you brightens each of our days!! Today, the definite approximate date is 11/28/2011! We can not wait to meet you lil man :)