Monday, June 13, 2011

12 Weeks-5/16/2011 Our 2nd Visit and very 1st Sonogram!

Today we got to see our baby moving on a sonogram. So happy it was a sonogram(less invasive lol). Days like today make the chaos of this crazy world seem so far away. I'm less worried about how things are going to turn out because I know we'll make it as we always have. Nothing can destroy real honest to goodness love. Just like the love Jesus had for us, we as parents should have for our own children. I can't imagine it any other way. Looking at Joey's face after the sonogram said it all. He is so happy. I am so happy...we are where we wanna be with our family :) The road is and will always be bumpy, but the love never vacant. These pictures tell it all. Our little one is no longer a peanut, but a growing baby that was moving so much in my tummy. We joked about him/her doing P90x. I have never seen a baby so little move so much! I hope I will be able to feel the baby move soon! I can't wait till our next visit...we find out what we're having!!

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