Saturday, April 2, 2011

3/26/2011-Our Surprise

 So I woke up last Saturday with nothing more than cleaning house and going to a birthday party on my mind. I had made my way around to the bathroom and decided to clean out one of those pop up storage containers that catch all. I came across the pregnancy test-2 pack I bought a few weeks back(the first one was negative). Just the week before I had made an appointment to go to the doctor in May to get on birth control to see if I could get my cycle straightened out. Before throwing it out, I decided to use it because I'm one of those folks that can't throw something out if it hasn't been used. So I took it and totally freaked out when the pregnancy line showed up first!!

I texted Joey to call me, but since he is really busy in the shop his phone is not on him. So without a bit of hesitation, I threw on some clothes and headed toward Oxford. (A very long, rainy trip btw!) When I got there, they were swamped! Finally, one of his co-workers asked if I wanted to see him. I said, "yeah, it's kinda important" she took me to the shop. Boy was he ever surprised to see me walk up into the RV he was working on! He was like, "what's up?" I told him I had a surprise for him and pulled out the test I had put in a baggie. He was every bit of surprised as I had been after taking it. He said with his voice cracking, "are you kidding me?" Then he hugged Dalton and me :)

After the initial shock I left Joey's work and drove to pick up another test. I got a two pack. When I finally made it home, I took one of the two that evening and the other the next morning. Both of which were POSITIVE!!

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