Monday, April 4, 2011

♥April 1-Confirmation♥

Ok, so I know today is not 4/1, but the entire weekend was so very busy that I didn't get on the internet to do no more than farm and pay bills, lol.

It has been confirmed that we are pregnant! I got to meet Dr. Jarvis. This doctor, from what little I talked with him, seems to be a really intuitive, positive person that genuinely cares for his patients. We have an appointment on 4/18/2011, so we'll know more then if he's as good as he seems ;) lol...he did tell me that after all the fertility medicine over the past few years, that my weight loss was the reason I got pregnant! All in all, we make an awesome team, Joey and I! He pushed me when I didn't want to exercise and told me not to eat seconds when I'd head back to get more. I couldn't have made it this far without his encouragement. I'm proud of us!!! We've wanted this so bad for so long, so when he said the other day in agreement with the doctor that this was all me...NOPE...I couldn't have lost the weight without him behind me 100%!!

:) :) Guess what?! I can't cut grass because Joey is an awesome daddy and doesn't want me straining myself to do it. He cut it Friday! ♥I LOVE THIS MAN!♥ :) He really is wonderful! I hope he knows that! :) :)

I'm not really feeling any major symptoms right now. Occasionally I have felt nauseated, but my sinuses are draining, I don't stay that way, and I don't get sick. I do however have interrupted sleep due to my frequent trips to the bathroom. I didn't realize that it started this early on, but after reading some info on pregnancy I've learned the pregnancy hormone in your urine will cause you to go more. Yesterday we had a cookout and I woke up having to use the restroom at 3 this morning. I couldn't get back to sleep because of the heartburn from yesterdays ☼ grilled food! I don't think I'll blame this on me being pregnant though...I ate the heck outta some of Joey's awesome chicken, ribs, hamburgers and hotdogs....YEP! Tore it slap up!! LOL

All in all it's still surreal, but more real now that the doctor says so, lol. We can't wait till 4/18!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

3/26/2011-Our Surprise

 So I woke up last Saturday with nothing more than cleaning house and going to a birthday party on my mind. I had made my way around to the bathroom and decided to clean out one of those pop up storage containers that catch all. I came across the pregnancy test-2 pack I bought a few weeks back(the first one was negative). Just the week before I had made an appointment to go to the doctor in May to get on birth control to see if I could get my cycle straightened out. Before throwing it out, I decided to use it because I'm one of those folks that can't throw something out if it hasn't been used. So I took it and totally freaked out when the pregnancy line showed up first!!

I texted Joey to call me, but since he is really busy in the shop his phone is not on him. So without a bit of hesitation, I threw on some clothes and headed toward Oxford. (A very long, rainy trip btw!) When I got there, they were swamped! Finally, one of his co-workers asked if I wanted to see him. I said, "yeah, it's kinda important" she took me to the shop. Boy was he ever surprised to see me walk up into the RV he was working on! He was like, "what's up?" I told him I had a surprise for him and pulled out the test I had put in a baggie. He was every bit of surprised as I had been after taking it. He said with his voice cracking, "are you kidding me?" Then he hugged Dalton and me :)

After the initial shock I left Joey's work and drove to pick up another test. I got a two pack. When I finally made it home, I took one of the two that evening and the other the next morning. Both of which were POSITIVE!!