Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Our Little "BOY"!! 06/13/2011

So today we picked up Grandma, grabbed some Bojangles and headed to Rome for the gender scan. We got there and I went through the usual urinate in a cup, weigh in (233-only 4 pounds gained! yay!!) and then we talked to Dr Dean. This guy needed to take a chill pill....he was so spazzy. He couldn't get the baby's heartbeat on Doppler so he had to pull in the sonogram machine. I thought I saw something, but wasn't going to say because I didn't want to "think" I knew what I saw without confirmation.

So we go into the ultrasound room and the wonderful miracle began! Our son is very proud of what he has...he had it all out there! LOL we were only supposed to get a few pics, but the wonderful lady doing the sonogram made us a cd with pics and video! This will be something we'll forever treasure. After a wonderful ten minute session we left, had Moe's, and then spent the afternoon at Grandma's house.

Mason Riddick Fagan...we can't wait to meet you!!!