Saturday, September 24, 2011

Looking Forward to Meeting You My Little Buddy

There are so many reasons I want to see your beautiful face, your tiny hands and feet, and smell your soft skin. I've been terrified this entire pregnancy that I couldn't handle the job of bringing you into this world and being your mama. I look at the pics from the 4D and you bring me so much hope. Your big brother Dalton has big plans for you on all the stuff he is going to teach you, lol. Your daddy talks to you every night hoping you will kick him just one time to show him who's boss,lol...just the other night he put his iPhone on my tummy with the flashlight on and you just about kicked the phone off my belly! It's so amazing to feel your movements inside my belly. I want you to know, I am doing my best to take care of you now while you are in there and I will work even harder to make sure you are taken care of when you are out here with us little man. I am still scared, lol, but just know the love is never scarce, the faith in the Lord to protect us is never failing, and the hope for the best for our boys is ever apparent. We love you Mason Riddick!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

09/12/2011-4D Mason Riddick

Today, Daddy and I went to see Mr. Mason Riddick's little face. He is a happy baby too! We got 60 pics/video clips and in a majority of them, he is smiling so big! He is one beautiful miracle! I can't even begin to describe my feelings for this little perfect being.

He favors his daddy and of course his brother ;) I can't wait to hold him. He loves his feet. He kept putting his toes in his eye and mouth. So here he is with both arms tucked back to each side of his head, his legs criss crossed in the front of him and one of his feet in his face. It was absolutely one of the best, if not the best, experience since the day we found out I was pregnant. :) Love my Mason Riddick!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

09/02/2011-Blood Glucose Test & More!!!

08/28/2011-27 weeks!

Wow! What a month since the last visit!!!

On 08/19/2011, I was driving to work when a log fell off a logging truck and my little Toyota Yaris decides to do a Dukes of Hazzard. It was on the bridge up from Fagans.  I had no where to go, tried to slow down and hit it going probably about 50mph. 3 tires, rims and wheelcovers...busted! There was transmission fluid everywhere. Mr. Riddick kicked me all day long after the accident...I don't blame him...there were several moments tears couldn't stop. It scared me so much!! Just thankful to be alive after that and that the baby was ok!

So, on 09/02/2011, I went for my blood glucose test. That stuff I had to drink wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great, lol. They told me if there was any problems that I'd hear from them within the week. Today is 09/08/2011 and I am thinking no issues! I hope so anyway...I do not want to hear that I have gestational diabetes. Also, Mason Riddick's heartbeat was 158. I got to see Dr. Brass :) When he walked in, he asked..."are we pregnant?" I of course say..."why yes we are!" I give him some credit for my weight loss and this pregnancy. He jumpstarted this!!

So Saturday, 09/03/2011, was a busy day. I got my car back, but only after taking the rental to Enterprise, being dropped off at Camping World, and going back to Piedmont to drop off the check at Carrolls. Then Daltman and I did grocery shopping...then I had to pick up Daddy :). That night we watched football and ate buffalo chicken dip! Sooooo verrrrrrry goooooood!! :)

Sunday we were supposed to go riding on 4 wheelers but because of the Tropical Storm Lee sending storms up our way, we didn't. We should've went though. It didn't rain all that much, but in turn we got Riddick's baby bed picked out...did a lil more shopping and ate at Jefferson's for mine and Daltman's first time. Great day even though we didn't get muddy! I bet Joey is going through mud withdrawals...I know I have the fever!!

So Monday, Labor Day, we picked up Riddick's bed. It's not the color we thought we were getting, but after going by Lowes and picking up the border we had ordered, plus a new closet door for his room, we got home and put it together. It is beautiful! After a wonderful steak cooked in the rain by my wonderful hubby...I got online and ordered the camo bedding! I can't wait till we get it!!

So, we sure can't wait till 09/12/2011...It'll be Riddick's time on the Big Screen! 4D time!! :) We so can't wait!!!!

08/08/2011-Just a check up(6 months-24 weeks)

Today was just a check up with Dr. Jarvis. I had lost a couple of pounds, but last week had a bug that had my stomach out of whack. To be brutally honest, I don't know if it were a bug or just nerves. Seriously, these past two weeks have been one big panic attack for me. It's like this is all new to me, but Lord knows it isn't at all. With Dalton I had no worries, but I guess age has a tendency to make you less carefree and! LOL...I did ask the doctor what I could do to help calm my nerves...his reply-tylenol pm at night. Yeah, ok....I have no trouble sleeping...LOL.

So anyway, my iron was a whopping 12.2...which is good for me! Riddick's heartbeat was 161 :) He is a strong little boy with a strong heartbeat! I am already so in love with him! Can't wait to meet you lil man!!!

07/11/2011-5 Month Sonogram :)

We got to see you Riddick...again!! :) The lady performing the sonogram wasn't the best tech in the world, but none of that mattered once we got to see your lil face again. According to the sonogram you weigh around 13 ounces! You still have so much further to go, but not nearly as long as before. Dalton was in attendance today and mesmerized as were we just by you! Everything about you brightens each of our days!! Today, the definite approximate date is 11/28/2011! We can not wait to meet you lil man :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Our Little "BOY"!! 06/13/2011

So today we picked up Grandma, grabbed some Bojangles and headed to Rome for the gender scan. We got there and I went through the usual urinate in a cup, weigh in (233-only 4 pounds gained! yay!!) and then we talked to Dr Dean. This guy needed to take a chill pill....he was so spazzy. He couldn't get the baby's heartbeat on Doppler so he had to pull in the sonogram machine. I thought I saw something, but wasn't going to say because I didn't want to "think" I knew what I saw without confirmation.

So we go into the ultrasound room and the wonderful miracle began! Our son is very proud of what he has...he had it all out there! LOL we were only supposed to get a few pics, but the wonderful lady doing the sonogram made us a cd with pics and video! This will be something we'll forever treasure. After a wonderful ten minute session we left, had Moe's, and then spent the afternoon at Grandma's house.

Mason Riddick Fagan...we can't wait to meet you!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

12 Weeks-5/16/2011 Our 2nd Visit and very 1st Sonogram!

Today we got to see our baby moving on a sonogram. So happy it was a sonogram(less invasive lol). Days like today make the chaos of this crazy world seem so far away. I'm less worried about how things are going to turn out because I know we'll make it as we always have. Nothing can destroy real honest to goodness love. Just like the love Jesus had for us, we as parents should have for our own children. I can't imagine it any other way. Looking at Joey's face after the sonogram said it all. He is so happy. I am so happy...we are where we wanna be with our family :) The road is and will always be bumpy, but the love never vacant. These pictures tell it all. Our little one is no longer a peanut, but a growing baby that was moving so much in my tummy. We joked about him/her doing P90x. I have never seen a baby so little move so much! I hope I will be able to feel the baby move soon! I can't wait till our next visit...we find out what we're having!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

10 Weeks along now

So according to Birthwatch on Facebook, I am now 10 weeks and 1 day. Nausea has finally took a back seat. I may have a flutter of it on occasion, but thank God it has pretty much left  me. So far the things that have made me gag are tuna, one spell with meatloaf, and I didn't want my fiesta chicken from Struts over this past weekend. I don't wanna even look at a cheese it right now. Mustard, potatoes, chocolate milk and pretty much any vegetable taste like heaven to me. The night I couldn't eat the meatloaf, I just ate mashed potatoes with mustard(lol) and green beans. It was sooooo very good too!!!

My moods are pretty somber. I think most of it is just trying to adjust to a new way of handling myself. After the scare last weekend, I've gotta take it easy so yeah I'm really on an emotional roller coaster to say the least. I'm considering talking to Dr. Jarvis about a chill pill! Good news is I am eating everything not tied down and still losing weight!! I am still at a whopping 75 pounds lost. I have a lot of loose belly from being so big, but I do feel the baby bump. It's so neat because I don't remember much about being pregnant at this stage. With Dalton I was already far enough along they couldn't do an ultrasound anymore, lol.

We bought a swing from a friend of a friend of mine at work for like $30. What a deal. It is going to be an awesome addition for our wonderful miraculous addition. :)

So...really, I wanna give all my love and thanks to Joey and Dalton. Those two have been so great at helping where I can't. I'm so not used to all of this yet, but I may can get used to it ;)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

4/29-5/1/2011...What a weekend

So Friday, Dalton went to stay with Grandma and Dwain...Joey and I went to Struts for supper that night. Joey had the Strutasaurus burger, finished it and got his name on the board. It was a wonderful, filling night...especially after the tornado on 4/27 that has killed over 250 people in Alabama alone.

So on 4/30, I woke up with a lot of pressure. I had taken Colace the night before for my not being able to go. When I peed, there was some pink and I couldn't really make it out due to the fact I had drank the Wal-mart version of a Diet Mountain Dew the night before and my urine was really yellow. After Joey left for work, I went back to the restroom effectively from the meds the night before, but this time there was definite pink blood on the tissue. I started freaking out and called Joey. He came back, I had called the emergency doctor on call and was expecting her returned call, hopped in his truck and we were on our way to Rome. We got as far as Gregersons and turned around. The doctor called. She asked if I had been constipated and attributed all of what was going on to the pressure and straining of constipation. I was to take it easy the remainder of the day, drink plenty of fluids, and take tylenol for pain. Joey left for work after a while of waiting to make sure everything was ok as it could be. I spent the rest of the day sleeping and crying my eyes out. I feel so bad for Joey because he has so much on him right now. I am really driving him crazy and I don't know what else to do! I hope everything is ok!!! I can't imagine our lives now with me not being pregnant and I don't want to until Tempy or Riddick is here safe and sound!!! God please, please take care of our baby!!!

5/1-There was very little signs of blood when I went this morning. It eventually became non-existent. So Joey and I went to Bojangles for breakfast and then Amstar to see Fast Five. Great movie and there will be another!! It was nice being hugged up to him at the movies. I am on a roller coaster of emotions and driving Joey insane. Dalton made me an early Mother's Day card and thanks to Grandma, Dalton gave me a Marigold in a planter pot. He's such a sweet boy! On the card it said, "you are the best mama a Dalton could ever have" precious!!! I love him so!!! After we got Dalton, we came home and I napped. Bless Joey's heart, he washed all the dishes and swept the kitchen. I love this man so much!!

04/18/2011 First Doctor Visit-First Ultrasound

Today was the first official visit with Dr. Jarvis and it was a great one! We got there about 30 minutes early, lol. We first went to the exam room after I nervously filled out the medical information form like 3 different times because I got up and kept asking questions (yeah, I'm driving Joey crazy!) Then the nurse sent us to Dr. Jarvis's office where we discussed a few things regarding the pregnancy and past pregnancies. Then off to the exam room again, but this time to do the exam and determine how far along I am with an ultrasound!!!! Yay!! We got to see the heartbeat of our little "peanut". As of 4/18/2011, I am 7 weeks 2 days along...due date December 1, 2011!! Yes, two days before Joey's birthday!! Then we left for me to give up enough blood for 8 vials and then off to insurance we went. Whew!! A miracle well worth it all :) Afterwards, we ate at Moe's for the first time and it was freaking awesome!! What a wonderful day!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

♥April 1-Confirmation♥

Ok, so I know today is not 4/1, but the entire weekend was so very busy that I didn't get on the internet to do no more than farm and pay bills, lol.

It has been confirmed that we are pregnant! I got to meet Dr. Jarvis. This doctor, from what little I talked with him, seems to be a really intuitive, positive person that genuinely cares for his patients. We have an appointment on 4/18/2011, so we'll know more then if he's as good as he seems ;) lol...he did tell me that after all the fertility medicine over the past few years, that my weight loss was the reason I got pregnant! All in all, we make an awesome team, Joey and I! He pushed me when I didn't want to exercise and told me not to eat seconds when I'd head back to get more. I couldn't have made it this far without his encouragement. I'm proud of us!!! We've wanted this so bad for so long, so when he said the other day in agreement with the doctor that this was all me...NOPE...I couldn't have lost the weight without him behind me 100%!!

:) :) Guess what?! I can't cut grass because Joey is an awesome daddy and doesn't want me straining myself to do it. He cut it Friday! ♥I LOVE THIS MAN!♥ :) He really is wonderful! I hope he knows that! :) :)

I'm not really feeling any major symptoms right now. Occasionally I have felt nauseated, but my sinuses are draining, I don't stay that way, and I don't get sick. I do however have interrupted sleep due to my frequent trips to the bathroom. I didn't realize that it started this early on, but after reading some info on pregnancy I've learned the pregnancy hormone in your urine will cause you to go more. Yesterday we had a cookout and I woke up having to use the restroom at 3 this morning. I couldn't get back to sleep because of the heartburn from yesterdays ☼ grilled food! I don't think I'll blame this on me being pregnant though...I ate the heck outta some of Joey's awesome chicken, ribs, hamburgers and hotdogs....YEP! Tore it slap up!! LOL

All in all it's still surreal, but more real now that the doctor says so, lol. We can't wait till 4/18!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

3/26/2011-Our Surprise

 So I woke up last Saturday with nothing more than cleaning house and going to a birthday party on my mind. I had made my way around to the bathroom and decided to clean out one of those pop up storage containers that catch all. I came across the pregnancy test-2 pack I bought a few weeks back(the first one was negative). Just the week before I had made an appointment to go to the doctor in May to get on birth control to see if I could get my cycle straightened out. Before throwing it out, I decided to use it because I'm one of those folks that can't throw something out if it hasn't been used. So I took it and totally freaked out when the pregnancy line showed up first!!

I texted Joey to call me, but since he is really busy in the shop his phone is not on him. So without a bit of hesitation, I threw on some clothes and headed toward Oxford. (A very long, rainy trip btw!) When I got there, they were swamped! Finally, one of his co-workers asked if I wanted to see him. I said, "yeah, it's kinda important" she took me to the shop. Boy was he ever surprised to see me walk up into the RV he was working on! He was like, "what's up?" I told him I had a surprise for him and pulled out the test I had put in a baggie. He was every bit of surprised as I had been after taking it. He said with his voice cracking, "are you kidding me?" Then he hugged Dalton and me :)

After the initial shock I left Joey's work and drove to pick up another test. I got a two pack. When I finally made it home, I took one of the two that evening and the other the next morning. Both of which were POSITIVE!!